
K-12 Classes 

Alpha K-12 classes aim to develop each student’s critical thinking, independence, social skills, and teamwork – qualities that will prepare them ready for the ‘real’ world. AHEAD Alpha’s classes are designed to provide quality education at home or face-to-face as it is firmly anchored on the TripTeach approach which combines the best attributes of traditional education, progressive learning and homeschooling and delivered through the BlendFlex method. Lessons will be conducted by our teachers who are honor graduates from the top universities of the country.

Homeschool Programs 

Alpha also offers homeschool support programs that encourages learning while strengthening ties between you and your child. We offer homeschool support to parents / independent homeschoolers by providing resources such as lesson plans, reference materials and exercises including actual teacher training courses.

What We Envision For Your Child

AHEAD Alpha’s curriculum is based on the FOUR PILLARS of education, as identified by Unesco’s Task Force on Education for the 21st century. These are:

1. Learning to KNOW

Education should develop one’s concentration, memory skills, and ability to think.

2. Learning to DO

Education should equip people to accomplish the types of work needed in the future.

3. Learning to LIVE TOGETHER

From childhood, people should learn about human diversity and gain an awareness of the similarities and interdependence of other people.

4. Learning to BE

Education should contribute to the fulfillment of the human person as an individual, a family and community member, and a citizen of the world.

What We Want To Teach


Mental Preparation

We prepare your children for the rigors of traditional exams.

Social Interaction

Your children will be able to see their classmates and engage in different activities with them. This will teach them how to connect with others.

Physical Learning

Your children will not only develop their mental skills, but we will hone their physical skills with our dance classes!

Psychological Education

We will help you keep your children mentally healthy through mental health sessions. They will also learn how to be resilient. With these, they will be able to cope with adversity, such as what’s happening in the world right now.


We are guided by

Life skills first, before testing

Learning for learning, not testing

The use of advance organizers to tap into the learner’s experience

A teacher should strengthen the student’s will to learn

How will we teach your child (in our K-12 classes)?

  • All Dep Ed required subjects but with special emphasis in BALL, Math and  Science
  • They will also prepare for their standardized test after which, they will take the PEP Test in DepEd. 

The PEP Test will be used for certification purposes (e.g: transfer to another school or promotion to the next level. 

           It is expected that they will score higher than others at their grade level.

  • Include review for Senior High and College Entrance Exam

AHEAD Alpha programs aim to develop the following life skills among your children, preparing them to respond to the real-life challenges of our ever-changing world.


Critical thinking

Our goal is to help your children form their own judgment in discovering new concepts.  The sharpening of their child cognitive development is an important part of this process. They will learn to think logically, and filter out the truth from falsehood—a necessary trait to succeed in this age where fake news is rampant. Through critical thinking, they can connect their ideas, assess their merit, and apply them in real life especially when they make decisions.

At AHEAD Alpha, your children are free to respectfully express their thoughts without judgment.  We promise to provide them with a safe and accepting online environment to process what they learn.


This life skill comes close to creativity. Your child will learn to use the resources at his disposal to come up with something new, relevant, applicable, and extraordinarily relevant to their situation. He or she will learn to look at life through different lens, unearthing the potentials of the tools and elements around him to invent or form a new idea, item, design, activity, process, and product. One advantage to this is that he will realize that he does not just have innate creative gifts—but he can even want to develop himself as an inventor.


We value the dreams that your children wish to achieve.  Their ideas are free to take flight with us as we journey together through all the creative stages in a healthy and supportive environment. Your imagination becomes a valuable ally in the intellectual development of your child. The exercises can also help your child discover his or her artistic talents.


We understand that excellence differs for each child. At AHEAD Alpha, we encourage our students to pursue their own meaning of excellence.

Good values

We aim to educate your children about real-world challenges.  We encourage our students to apply what they learn with us outside of our online sessions. Response to real-world challenges must be aligned with proven core values that are key factors to success, well-being, peace, and harmony. These values include honesty, integrity, patience, resilience, a sense of responsibility, stewardship, proactiveness, independence, respect for all beings and creatures, and industriousness.